How to ensure systematic access to early care for children in Slovakia
The representative of the Slovak government for Roma communities organized a conference in Bratislava on the topic: How to ensure a systematic approach to early care for children in Slovakia.
Examples of good practice in Slovakia were presented by selected actors who work in the field of early care in Slovakia. The Association for Culture, Education and Communication (ACEC) received an invitation to present the Mission 1000 project it is implementing. In addition to Magdalena Rothova (director of ACEC) and Tomáš Ondaček (project manager of ACEC), there were also grandmothers, Ľubomíra Horváthová and Žaneta Gáborová.
Examples of good practice in Slovakia were presented by selected actors who work in the field of early care in Slovakia. The Association for Culture, Education and Communication (ACEC) received an invitation to present the Mission 1000 project it is implementing. In addition to Magdalena Rothova (director of ACEC) and Tomáš Ondaček (project manager of ACEC), there were also grandmothers, Ľubomíra Horváthová and Žaneta Gáborová.
A child’s early age is the most important and dynamic period. Neglecting early care can have fundamental consequences for the child’s further development, especially when it comes to a child with delayed development, physical or social disabilities or coming from a family with a poor social situation. Early care also affects parents directly, helping them to strengthen their parenting skills and reduce dependence on social systems.
Príklady dobrej praxe na Slovensku prezentovali vybraní aktéri, ktorí pôsobia v oblasti ranej starostlivosti na Slovensku. Asociácia pre kultúru, vzdelávanie a komunikáciu (ACEC) obdržala pozvánku prezentovať projekt Misia 1000, ktorý realizuje. Okrem Magdalena Rothova (riaditeľky ACEC) a Tomáš Ondačka (projektového manažéra ACEC), nechýbali ani babice, Ľubomíra Horváthová a Žaneta Gáborová.
Raný vek u dieťaťa je najdôležitejšie a najdynamickejšie obdobie. Zanedbanie ranej starostlivosti môže mať zásadné následky na ďalší vývoj dieťaťa, najmä pokiaľ ide o dieťa s oneskoreným vývinom, telesným, či sociálnym postihnutím alebo pochádzajúcim z rodiny so zlou sociálnou situáciou. Raná starostlivosť zasahuje aj priamo rodičov, pomáha im posilniť si rodičovské kompetencie a znížiť závislosť na sociálnych systémoch.
This project is implemented thanks to support from the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Program Human Resources.