Norway grants
Do you live in the Spišská Nová Ves, Kežmarok or Poprad area and want to contribute to the health of new-borns? Do you speak Slovak and Romani? Are you looking for work? We might just be looking for you!
The backbone of our project Mission 1000 is health mediation during the crucial first 1000 days from the conception in the environment of socially marginalised communities. Within the project we build community capacities in the area of care for pregnant women throughout their stay at the maternity ward as well as after their release home, while we also strengthen mutual relations between communities.
Our midwives work in a home setting as well as at a hospital, they educate pregnant women and mothers, offer support, mediate between women and healthcare providers, and help with prenatal care and early care for new-borns and toddlers.
You can find more information about this job position: HERE
More about the Mission 1000 project and the work of our midwives can be found: HERE
The “Mission 1000” benefits from a 199 000€ grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 29 900€. The aim of the project is to mobilize social capital and build capacity in home and community care for pregnant women and children from marginalized backgrounds.